How To Plan A Perfect Party!

PLanning a party can be a lot of work. It is important to know what to do in order to ensure your event runs as smoothly as possible.

There will never be one thing I can say about planning a party that will pertain to every single type of party you will ever plan. Different parties and different types of events will have a lot to go in to it, and obviously, like life, there will be unforeseen complications which may arise. However, there are a few things to keep in mind when planning your next party or event that will help to ensure everything runs smoothly and all of your guests have a fantastic time. 

How well a party goes results in how much fun everyone is having and is a result of how much planning went into the party. I am not saying you have to go crazy planning a party in order for it to go well, I have had some of the best parties and absolutely no planning went into them at all, sometimes things just run very smoothly. 

To-Do Lists

You should have three major to-do lists for any party planning you have. 

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  1. The pre-party to do list and shopping list

You should always start with identifying everything you have to do before your party. This will help ensure you don’t forget anything, from picking up the food to getting decorations, to setting up any games or activities, to inviting your guests, to cleaning. A lot goes into planning a party and making sure you do and get everything you need to before the party starts is one of the most important things. 

  1. The during the party to do list

I know this one sounds crazy, but I know I have been hosting a party and have been running around feeling like I am forgetting something or something isn’t being done or I forgot to tell someone something. Sometimes having a list of things you need to do during the party is vital, I mean the number one thing is just make sure you are having fun and all of your guests are having fun. There is always things to be done during a party. From making sure you set up the games and activities (and letting guests know what’s going on) to replenishing any food or snacks to talking to and checking in on the guests to having time to relax and enjoy the fun you have set up. Parties are a fun time, so let’s make sure they are.

  1. The post party to do list

There is always something that will need to be done after you are hosting the event of a lifetime. From cleaning up, to sending thank yous, to checking in with your guests, to putting things away. Your party has to end smoothly for all of the stress to finally be lifted. I know cleaning up can be stressful, I know I dread it all the time. However, it is the best way to end a perfect party, and you never know, someone may stay behind and help you clean up. 


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I know it can be hard to plan every little thing that you want to be happening during your party, and you’re thinking that there is so much that could happen that you don’t plan for. However, setting up an itinerary, even if it is just tenative or simply ideal, can help ensure the party runs smoothly and there is minimal awkward standing around time where your guests might look bored because you forgot to plan an activity. So, grab a pen and make a list of everything you want to happen during the party. Plan the food, the games, the activities, the mingling, the anything else. Then, make a chronological list of how you want to do it. I know the times can fluctuate and the events might not always occur in the order you want, but planning it out will move the party in the right direction of being perfect. 

Guest List 

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You might be thinking “the guest list doesn’t matter, I am going to invite who I want to invite”. You may be right there. However, it is still important to plan a guest list and look over who you are going to want to invite. Make a note of who might be a flake and not show up, who might never rsvp but will definitely be there and then note if any two people on your guest list really do not like each other. I know this will put you in a predicament, especially if you are really good friends with both of them. However, depending on their level of dislike for one another, it may be best to avoid inviting one of them, obviously depending on the type of party or event you are having. Just always be mindful of who you are inviting.

Alterations (if need be)

Complications and unforeseen misfortunes can always happen and are always unpredictable. So, it is important to always have backup plans. For example, if it rains on your outdoor event, try to have a backup option of either a bunch of tents/canopies or an available indoor space. If the caterer doesn’t show up or messes up your order and forgets all of the vegetarian options, have some food on standby or an option for someone to run to the store to pick up what you might need. If something breaks or someone you hired for an activity calls out, have a backup plan to fill the time. You can’t always plan on everything going perfect and some things may be harder to alter than others. However, to move one step closer to making it the perfect event, having a few backups for just in case, will ensure nothing stands in your way of the event running smoothly. 

You can never be certain that your party is going to be perfect. However, you sure can have fun planning it out and making the ideal version of it perfect. In order to attempt to plan the perfect party, remember to do the following;

  1. Make a pre-party to do list (and shipping list)
  2. Make a during the party to-do list
  3. Make a post party to do list
  4. Create an ideal itinerary for the party 
  5. Create the perfect guest list
  6. Make sure you have backup ideas just in case something falls through (you never want a moment that nothing is happening).

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