How To Pick The Right Pet

Have you ever wondered how to pick the right pet for your current lifestyle? Here are a few things to consider and think about when deciding what pet to choose.

Figuring out what kind of pet you want to get can be super stressful. There is so much you need to consider before you start looking or even deciding on a breed. Pets bring so much joy to our lives and bring life and love into our homes. Having a pet can completely change the entire dynamic of your home and your entire day. 

I personally love all sorts of animals and in the future there are so many different types of animals I would love to own as a pet. However, I know I might not have the money or the space to be able to own and take care of these animals.  It costs money to buy an animal and to be able to provide for it everything you need to provide, except love of course.  Love comes free.  So, make sure you do your research on the pet you want so you know not only what you might be getting into, but to make sure you have what you need to be able to completely provide for your newest family member. 


First you need to decide what type of pet you can financially afford. It costs money to buy a pet, some apartments have fees or extra money a month you have to put out to own a certain pet, and it costs money to care for the pet and ensure it has everything you need. The worst thing you want to do is to buy a pet and then realize it is too expensive to keep. Owning a pet might make you think twice about how you save and spend your money, it creates an additional monthly fee, even without pet rent. I am not saying you have to be rich to own a pet. However, you should be aware of how much you might be spending on this pet in order to provide for it. 

Stage  in your life 

You can own whatever pet you want at whatever stage of your life you want to. However, if you’re a mom trying to teach your child responsibilities of owning a pet and caring for one, maybe starting out with a hamster or a Guinea pig or even a rabbit might be the most beneficial.  This is something small, but something that needs care, but is also independent and can be left alone for hours at a time.  If you are Newly on your own or just starting to live with a significant other, a smaller pet might be more beneficial as well.  It will definitely be less of an emotional loss if you break up and have to decide who gets the animal.  Not all the time, but sometimes you have to look at where you are in life and who big events are occurring to help decide some of these other factors to help decide which pet you might want to welcome into your home.  

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Space is a big thing to consider.  You want to make sure you have enough space in your home to provide for your animal.  This is one of the bigger reasons I did not get a pet in my first apartment. I simply did not think I had enough space to provide for a pet the way I wanted to.  You have to know how much space you might need to care for your animal. Some animals might be better suited for a house with a yard, whereas others can survive just fine in an apartment setting.  Animals are like humans in a sense where they need space to live and survive and just to be.  Some animals need more space to run around and play, where as others are more content laying around. If you have a large animal in a smaller space it might make the pet sad or it might make them a lot more jumpy and excitable when it gets to be in a larger space. That one issue could, not saying definitely, but could cause your pet to not listen as well when it gets to escape the room it’s been cramped in and gets to run around free.  Also some animals, such as certain breeds of dogs, need room outside to run around they need the exercise more than other breeds.  This is a scenario where owning a yard they can regularly do so in might be a better space for owning such a pet.  


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Different pets require a different amount of care. Some pets can be left home alone all day, others need to be checked in every few hours for food and water and potential bathroom outings or a walk.  If you are a type of person who works a lot or goes away a lot, a pet that requires a lot of attention and a lot of care might not be the best fit.  However, if you live in a home where someone is almost always there and you have the freedom to travel with a pet and be there to love it and care for it, then an animal who needs that type of attention can suit you just fine. 

There are quite a few different factors you need to consider when you are on the hunt to determine which pet is the best for you.  Most importantly, do your tease arch so you know if your lifestyle can match with the care and time and financial aspect of owning this pet.  It is also beneficial to learn a few other fun facts about what you might be getting yourself into. 

Most importantly, love your pet. Every pet needs love and that’s the most important throng to make sure you have when you’re deciding on a pet.  

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