How To Unwind & Take A Break!

Life can get overwhelming sometimes. So it is important to listen to your body and to take a break. Here are some of my favorite ways to take a break

I cannot stress this enough: it is so important to take a step back and take a break. Walk away from your work, close your laptop, put your phone down and just shut off your brain for a few moments. I know there always seems like there is more that needs to be done, your mind is always racing and your to do list always seems to be getting longer. I get it, I am the same way. Always trying to see how much I can cram into one day and never feeling like I really ever accomplished anything. From working, to trying to hit the gym, to cleaning, to occasionally enjoying myself, it always seems like something is coming my way that I just need to do. Yes, people do be thriving off of staying busy and conquering the world and doing everything. However, we still need to remind ourselves it is okay to do nothing sometimes. Sometimes we need it if we are ever going to accomplish everything we are setting our mind to accomplish. 

Taking a break has so many benefits to our mental health, our physical well being, and our ability to achieve our desired future. Taking a break now can help make you more productive later and help you achieve every single goal you are setting out for. So step away from your computer, put down your pen, get your mind off work. Here are some of my favorite ways to get my mind off work, unwind, and just take a break from everything life is telling me I have to get done. 

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If I have the time and I am feeling drained from the day, I try to squeeze in a nap. Laying down with your eyes closed and just keeping your mind empty. Emptying your mind and not looking at any screens can really refresh your mind and give you a blank slate and have so much more energy to bang out the rest of your work afterwards. The major downside to this is sometimes if you fall asleep it may make you even more tired and sometimes groggy. If you need to squeeze in a quick nap, I recommend having some coffee or other caffeine, and taking a quick 20 minute power nap. I personally think taking a break from screens and laying down can help calm your mind and help get rid of any headaches or help prevent any from coming. Taking a break and laying down can sometimes give your body all the energy it needs to finish powering through the rest of your day. Never overlook the power a nice nap may have on your ability to crush your day. 

The next biggest thing that helps me to unwind and take a break is engaging in mild physical activity. This can be anywhere from going on a walk to meditating or doing yoga, to maybe some lighter core or cardio exercises to participating in a recreational sport such as shooting basketball hoops. For me, I enjoy getting outside and taking in the fresh air and going for a walk. I am lucky to live in a woodsy area in the middle of nowhere right now and I can just walk out my door and feel very connected with the world and with nature. Or, if you are stuck working in the office, take a step away from your desk every so often and take a lap around or take a step outside and go for a small walk on your lunch break so you can get your mind off working for at least a few minutes. I also find meditating is a very easy way to clear your mind and relieve some stress. However, you have to make sure you turn your phone on do not disturb and put yourself away from a lot of distractions. I like to take a step outside sometimes and take in some fresh air and sit somewhere and just let my mind wander. This is one of the biggest stress relievers I have ever encountered. It does wonders and it allows you to take a much needed break. If you are sportier and live close enough to a basketball hoop, sometimes physical activity and shooting some hoops can be a great break. 

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If you just need a break and it is not the middle of the work day, I recommend calling a friend or a family member. Talking to someone different can help you take a break from everything that is currently going on throughout your day. Talking to someone can help you get your thoughts out easier if you are stumped or can help you just feel free and let your mind travel instead of keeping it focused on tasks all day. Just changing the people you talk to can be the perfect break to your stressful day. 

If you are simply overwhelmed with life and need to take a step back and relax, you can try watching an episode of your favorite tv show, but only one. I know this can be a tricky thing as a lot of us can never watch just one and you sit down to take a break and next thing you know it’s 3 hours and an entire season later and almost midnight. If you have willpower and know you can only watch one, or don’t have deadlines to meet, this can be good. Just watching something you enjoy and giving your mind something enjoyable to watch can leave you ready to be more creative and more relaxed than ever before. However, if you are working on the computer all day, adding extra screen time might make you, especially your eyes, more tired and this may not be the best way for you to relax. 

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My last suggestion on unwinding and taking a quick break is refueling. Whether you are enjoying a snack or having a cup of coffee, it is necessary to give your body some fuel, or caffeine, to help you power through the rest of your day. I do recommend not loading up on sugar as that can result in a sugar crash later in the day and may only be beneficial for the short term. Try a healthy snack, some fruit, or a protein bar, or some vegetables and a nice hummus dip. For your coffee, I recommend drinking it either black or simply adding a little bit of creamer or half and half into it. The last thing you want to do is load your coffee up with sugar and crash an hour later. So snack, but make it healthy. 

As a recap, some of the things I do to take a break and unwind, whether it be in the middle of my oh so busy day or relaxing after a long day and unwinding to help me get a better night sleep and a more productive evening. 

  1. Taking a power nap (obviously only recommend this if you are very tired and you have the time to take this type of break)
  2. Engage in physical activity (whether it be going on a walk, meditating, yoga, hitting the gym, playing a sport, swimming, etc)
  3. Calling a friend or family member
  4. Watching ONE episode of a show you love
  5. COFFEE BREAK (or a healthy snack to refuel — low on sugar).

It is important to never overwork yourself because the tasks will either not get done or get done poorly. It is important to remember time management when scheduling a break. But it is also important to remember to take these breaks, for you, for your mind, for your body, and for your soul. We need to not always be thinking about work or trying to get the next thing done. So take a step back, take a break, enjoy yourself and refuel your body so you can conquer the world. 

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