About Me


Hello and welcome to Tallie Talks!

My name is Natalie (or sometimes Tallie). I am an East Coast Girl living her life out in the mountains of Colorado. There are so many things I love and am obsessed with and I am here to share them all with you through different articles and topics to not only tell you about my life but also give you tips and advice for similar problems, instances, and curiosities you may be having. I have a German Shepard named Molly, who is the love of my life, a close second is my boyfriend, who is also my biggest supporter. I love to travel, write, take photos, and just live life one day at a time. I am obsessed with the colors Tiffany blue, lilac, and some shade of pink. I am in the process of finding a career in which is my passion. I believe you never really know your passion until you’ve experienced it. I have two brothers, one older and one younger. Yup, I am a middle child and the only girl, that is an interesting life within its own. The rest of me? Well that’s something you will find out over time throughout these articles. 

Love Always.

Why I Started This Blog

People all over are starting on this blogging trend. However, does everyone have the same motivation? The same reason why they want to share their voice with the world? No, not at all. So why did I start a blog? I often found myself coming up with ideas after ideas and I simply wanted a place to put them and share them with the world in hopes that it helps someone, somewhere figure something out.

What To Expect

Throughout this blog you will be going on a journey and learning brand new things about various topics. I will not only be sharing my thoughts and experiences, but we will also be going on a learning journey together. Throughout the articles you may find yourself relating to something or realizing a brand new way to go about something you do every day.

Closing Notes

I hope you have as much fun reading as I am having writing. I hope something relates to you and something helps you.