Stuck in a Style Rut? Finding Your Style!

Stuck in a style rut? find yourself while finding your style through these fun tips.

Where to start? What’s right? Should I follow anything? Are trends real? Will anyone judge me if I don’t like what’s “in” right now? These are all questions that go through my mind when I am deciding if I like a certain style or if I think a certain style is “me”. I know it doesn’t always feel right conforming to the in trends… so don’t. Dont force yourself to like a style and don’t force yourself to want to learn about any style. 

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I would have to say my number one biggest tip on finding out what style is best for you is go on a massive shopping spree. Have a giant photoshoot, tryon montage of various different styles in various different colors and see what speaks to you in the sense of what to walk out of the store with. Or you can go a much bolder route which I like to go sometimes. Just buy a few different items of clothing at a time that may be out of your comfort zone and try them on and wear it for a day. Wear it out, wear it around your partner or your friends. Sometimes seeing other peoples reactions to your new style is all you need to decide if a style is worth keeping or worth returning. 

I’m going to be honest, I barely keep up with trends or the ever changing styles of the world, so I normally am not the one to go to for fashion advice or to tell you what’s hot and what’s not these days. However, I believe the world is becoming a lot more of an accepting place and style is a freedom of expression and what you decide to dress your body with is your choice and your right. The best advice I could give is to dress to impress, as long as that impressing is for you. 

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If you are reading this and you’re completely confused, don’t know what your style is, barely know what style is, and definitely don’t know where to start, honey you’re not alone. Sometimes it takes time, it’s simply just like finding yourself or developing a new hobby. Sometimes, something just speaks to you and other times you might have to go through a lot of trial and error before landing on something that suits you. 

If you need ideas of what styles even exist or how to pair your new t shirt with something to make it into a variety of different styles, I suggest using pinterest or instagram or simply just trying it on with a bunch of different bottoms to see what it looks like. Some people think style as a whole is a lot more complex then it really is. It simply is just putting things together to find an option you like. 

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In summary, be you. Try a variety of new things. Never be afraid of something new. See what something looks like on before you decide if it’s a stay or a go. Never be afraid to go back to the basics. Have fun and see what’s out there. Most importantly remember style is a form of expression and just because something works for your best friend doesn’t necessarily mean it’ll work for you.

Hope some of this helped.

Remember to keep on shining and keep on being beautiful. 

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