Using Household Items As Photo Props

Buying photo props can be expensive. It can be hard thinking of what to use as a prop. So here are a few items around the house you can use for your next photoshoot.

I love photoshoots. I am obsessed with taking pictures and I love finding new ways to model and unique photos to take. However, I don’t always want to leave my home or go out and spend a lot of money trying to get a whole bunch of props I might only be using for a one time photoshoot.  

Over the years, the last two more specifically, I have been noticing more and more things I have around my home that can easily be used as a prop, whether it is for an at home shoot, or one you can quickly pack into your car and take wherever you may go to have a fun filled photoshoot. 


Some different technology you have around your house can be used as a cute prop for any type of photoshoot, whether it be a working from home or back to school or “gamer girl” type of shoot. Some technology ideas include;

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  1. Your phone – you can either be holding your phone, scrolling through it, using it to take a picture, or talking on it. 
  2. Your camera (or a different one you may have) – you can use this as a prop to go around your neck, you can be taking a photo of something, it can just be sitting on your coffee table, or you can be looking at it. 
  3. Your laptop or desktop computer – you can have your laptop sitting out in front of you next to a notebook and your planner and some pens, you can be working on your laptop, or you can be gaming on it.
  4. A gaming system – you can use this to just show case your games, you can be playing your favorite game, or you can use this with friends
  5. Headphones  – you can be jamming out to music or simply just be wearing your headphones around your neck. 


Any piece of furniture you have in your house you can use as a prop. Whether it is something you are sitting on or something you are placing something else on. There are so many ways you can use a piece of furniture to completely change your photo and make it any type of comfy at home photoshoot. 

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  1. Your couch 
  2. Any chair
  3. Any table
  4. Your bed
  5. Your bathtub 
  6. Counters
  7. Doors or entrance ways

Things Found In Your Kitchen

The kitchen holds a lot of fun things, each item can be used as a photo prop for countless themed shoots, From appliances, to dishware, to the food you eat, there is a way to incorporate it all into a photoshoot. 

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  1. Cups – whether they are to go cups or the mugs you drink your morning coffee out of.
  2. A mixer or a blender – this can be a fun chef or cooking themed shoot
  3. Any piece of food or fruit you have – incorporating food can be fun, whether you are taking a sip of coffee, a bite of an apple, or the food is just on display.
  4. Flowers – some people have plants in their kitchen, I know I do. 

Things Found In Your Office

I love love love the idea of different office supplies in photoshoots. I am definitely an office queen. I love sitting in a comfy chair at my desk either writing or on my laptop. The more I do it, the more all of these ideas for different photos pop into my mind. Your office is full of so many different props. 

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  1. Notebooks – you can use notebooks either by just laying them out, having it opened to a page of notes (and putting it with your planner and laptop open) or a whole shoot of you writing in it. 
  2. Pens – pens can either be laid out, you can be holding a pen, using the pen to write, tuck the pen behind your ear, or have it held up to your face in a more of a thinking pose. 
  3. Your planner – I am obsessed with my planner. You can have a shoot of you filling out your planner and planning your amazing photo shoots, you can have it simply open on your desk with your other items, or you can hold it. 
  4. Books – you can stack your books, you can lay them out, you can hold a stack of books, you can open a book and point to something, or you can get all comfy and read a few pages of your novel. 
  5. Your entire desk area – your entire desk setup can be a photoshoot, you can layout the project or assignments you’re working on, you can sit at your desk and write or work on your laptop or read. How you feel comfortable in your workspace. 
  6. Craft supplies – I love crafts, however, I do wish I was craftier. You can have a photo shoot of you working on your projects, you can showcase what you have, or you can just create a mess while working hard and create the perfect shoot. 

Miscellaneous Things 

  1. Bags and backpacks – you can show your collection, you can be wearing your purse or backpack, you can have it open looking though it or putting stuff into it to pack up for your day.
  2. Pets – just your pet, playing with your pet, feeding your pet, grooming your pet
  3. Shoes – just your feet, your collection, tying your shoes or putting them on
  4. Cleaning supplies – cleaning, all of your supplies, or just having them out.
  5. Newspapers and magazines – you can be reading them, you can stack them up, you can use them to make shadows or take a photo through the opening, you can rip it up and throw it around, or just use the pages to make a backdrop. 
  6. Cotton balls – you can be creating a craft, you can lay in a bunch of them, you can use them as a filter for your lens, or you can use them to paint something. 
  7. Board games and cards – you can have the games laying out, you can be holding a hand of cards and looking at them, you can be playing a game with a friend, or you can simply just have them out. 
  8. Mirrors – you can use them to capture your reflection, you can be taking selfies, you can be looking into the mirror, or you can use it to capture so much of the scenery behind you.
  9. Bed sheets – you can use bed sheets to make a fort, you can use them by throwing them up in the air and going under them, or you can use them as a sort of backdrop. 
  10. Anything else you want – pick up an item and I am certain it will find a way to play a role in your next photoshoot. 

There are countless things you can just grab and use as a prop. If you see an item, just start taking photos and see what comes out of it. Use the prop in a way it is meant to be used, and go from there. If you find items and get stuck, google can be your best friend and type in “photoshoots with_______” and have fun. Anything can be used as a prop or turned into something that’ll make your photos stand out. 

Happy shooting, I know your shots will come out amazing. 

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