Ideas For Your Next Adventurous Date

Are you looking for something fun to do on your next date? You don't always have to keep everything the same nor do you have to put out a lot of money to make a date adventurous. Here are some ideas for your next adventurous date from never leaving your home to skipping town for the weekend.

It is so important that you are always finding new things to do with your partner and finding new experiences. I believe it is essential for you to spice up your relationship and to go on new and exciting adventurous dates. Not every adventurous date has to cost a lot of money. Trust me, I know, I hear adventurous and I think “how am I going to afford that”. But adventurous doesn’t even mean you have to leave the comfort of your own home. Sometimes one of the easiest things to do is simply create a list of everything you and your partner have always wanted to do and just go from there on date planning.

You can find or come up with infinite adventurous date ideas that include never leaving your home, or traveling around your home city, or you can decide at the last minute to go further away. Regardless of where you are or where you go, countless adventure packed memories await you.

Never Leaving Your Home

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I can look around my apartment right now and come up with about a million date ideas. However, not all of them will be new and not all of them will constitute as adventurous. Sometimes it takes thinking outside the box and looking at an item in a different way to come up with a completely new way it can spice up your date night.

The first thing I think of is spicing up game night. Almost any game can quickly become a strip version of that game. What’s more adventurous than coming up with new rules to some of your favorite games, or creating fun versions of a game you make up on the spot. If you love games but aren’t looking to lose…. Any clothing, then you can try coming up with a new game. This can become so fun and silly, and something that can make game night a lot more fun and a lot more interesting. Try taking turns coming up with different rules or just playing the game and seeing where you end up.

I love cooking and baking, especially with my partner. Try to pick out 3-5 ingredients, either total or a piece, and try to come up with something new together. This can help work on team building, creative thinking, and getting to try a new snack. Don’t be afraid to make a mess, that can definitely be the fun of it all.

Grab all your pillows and blankets and make a pillow/blanket fort. This can be used to tell stories or create your own story, or just cuddle up and watch a movie. Create your own adventure by creating a blanket fort. Or, you can simply end up destroying it and ending the night in a massive pillow fight.

You can come up with your own date and adventure as you go. You can each say a word and see how it can relate to each other and see if you can come up with something from there. Or you both can grab 5 random objects from around the house and see what kind of date you can create. For example, I can grab a pen, a notebook, a pillow, my laptop, and a bottle of wine. Date idea… drunken charades, hangman or pictionary and then a movie.

Anything at home can quickly become a date and any date can quickly become so much more adventurous.

Staying Close To Home

There are so many opportunities waiting for you, just right outside your town. Whether you just take a walk down your street, take a trip to the park, or leave it up to a world of chance. Adventure is waiting for you and one hell of a date to remember for the rest of your lives.

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Go to your local park. You can drive to your local park and have a contest on who can complete an obstacle course throughout the playground the fastest. You can also pack up a bag and have a picnic under the stars. Or you can tell another couple to meet you at the park and have them come up with a crazy idea, so you have no idea what you are getting yourself into.

A really fun idea is, go on groupon. Groupon always has wonderful deals on activities right in your hometown. Scroll through some of the activities and have it land on a random one and that is what you and your partner have to spend your night doing. In relation to this, you can also pop on your community or town facebook page and see if any events are going on that you two can attend.

You can come up with your own date idea. Put the name of a bunch of places in a hat, put the name of a bunch of activities in a hat, put the name of a bunch of food in a hat, and so on and so on. Then pick one item from each group and that is what you will create a date based on. For example, it can be target, swimming and pizza. So then off to target you go. Make sure you grab a slice of pizza to eat from there. And either go in the pool they have set up or buy a pool (cheap or not or return it the next day, who am I to judge) and set it up at home and have a pool day, or have some night swimming.
You can make a day full of new things. Pick an activity you have never done (or never done together), for example rollerblading. Then pick a new restaurant or type of food you want to try, for example Korean. Then pick a location or park you have never been to.

You can leave it up to chance. You can pick a random spot on a map of your area and go there and just see what is there in that area and create a day of it. Or you can drive for a certain length of time in one direction and see where it takes you. Just leave it up to wherever the wind blows you and that’s where your newest memory will be created.

Getting Outside Your Hometown

You don’t have to stay local to have a fun date. And going far doesn’t always have to be expensive. Take a trip, travel 2 hours away, go somewhere new, and come home with an adventure and love like never before.

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I personally love airbnbs, and have had some amazing times staying in them. Airbnb also recently got a new feature where you can search up a type of place you want to stay in instead of an area. This can be so much fun to play around with. Just go on it and click on a random type of place to stay in and then pick a random location (obviously within reason) and have an adventure of it. Or simply just pick a random area and book that Airbnb. You can also tie in groupon into this and let groupon decide what it is you will be doing on your stay.

In relation to number one, you can look at a map and blindly point to an area and just travel there and see what type of new adventures it brings you.

You can hop on a train and get off at a random stop and just walk around and find things to do along your way. Not knowing where you’ll end up can lead to so many possibilities of what you’ll be doing.

Depending on how big your state or county is, you can put a bunch of town names in a hat and draw one out and then search up some of your favorite activities in that area. For example different parks or hiking trails or an amusement park or a beach.

Sometimes leaving your date up to fate can make it so much more magical and bring a new kind of adventure to your dating life. Not knowing what you’ll be doing next or where you’ll end up can feed your sense for adventure and love for traveling. Some of my best dates and memories have come from just ending up somewhere and making a plan from there. Sometimes, the more you plan, the less adventurous it becomes, at least for the one planning it. If you are a planner, you can still make dates fun and adventurous, you just might need to do a little more research.

No matter where you are or what you have access to, there are so many ways you can come up with an adventurous date or turn what may have been boring or more routine into something new and exciting. Keep your eyes out for events in your area, do your research on dates other people are doing and just remember to have fun. I also recommend going and checking out the adventure challenge series, you can scratch off a date and be super surprised at what you may get, and trust me, it will be an amazing time.

So start dating your significant other in a brand new way. Start dating, but make it adventurous.

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